Tuesday 4 January 2011

Down the road, early evening

The unrelenting grey opens momentarily, showing a delicate blue and rose band of light to the north.

A kestrel perches upright in the air, then settles in the chestnut tree.


Mr Pineapples said...

Is this poem dedicated to Arsenal Football Club?

Lucy said...

Hello, Mr Pineapples! Well it wasn't actually, but if you'd like it to be...

I stopped by your blog but as you haven't posted for 18 months it didn't seem worth saying hello there. Pity.

Mr Pineapples said...

My Dear Lucy....

P was thinking - with your refs to the North...He was thinking: Arsenal FC.....definitely

Anyways.....thanks for the visit to the P blog. No postings for 18 months - but it might be cranked up again..who knows?

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely descriptions, and a kestrel is always a good bird to see,